
Play ads around your business for free! At no cost you can start showing ads around and near your business. Drive traffic and visibility for your brand! Learn how to in this section

Before we get started

In order to create a Geo-Fenced campaign, you will need to have some ads ready in your account to assign to your geo-fenced campaign. Haven't done that yet? Click the link below

pageAd Sets & Creative

Getting Started

Creating a campaign

Once in your account, head over to the Geo-Fence section of your dashboard. Once there start off by clicking the "add new" button to your right.

Ad Location

In order for our geo-fenced campaign to work properly, we will need type in the location and address of your business you want the geo-fence to be created around. To finish off you will need to set the status of your campaign as active in order to assure your campaign is launched.

Ad Sets

For your ads to run near your business you will need to upload art to your campaign. Select the artwork from the dropdown menu in the "Ad Sets" section. If you need help creating artwork or need to understand the process of doing so click the link below to learn more.

pageAd Sets & Creative

Geo-Fence Map

If you scroll down the page you will find a map. Once you have saved your campaign our server will verify your input and autogenerate a radius around your business or establishment so when one of our vehicles is near it will trigger your ad to play.

Please allow 5 - 10 minutes for your geofence to appear on the map

Finishing up

Once you have finished your geo-fence creation process click the "save" button on the top right corner of the screen. This will get your ad up and running

Last updated